Brass Junky Logo
Role: Logo Design
Client: Brass Junky/Personal Project

Group: Brass Junky is a group of musicians/friends who grew up playing brass instruments in middle, junior high, and high school. They often play their respective brass instruments in orchestras, jazz bands, and jazz combos.
For The Love of Music
Brass Junkie wanted a logo designed that encapsulated their love of brass instruments, and the music that they play. They wanted various instruments incorporated into the design. While the group has members who play five different instrument types, I chose to use a trumpet and a trombone, which are probably the most recognizable brass instruments. For the text, I chose to use the trash can because, by their own admission, Brass Junkie loves playing “music that’s so funky, it’s dirty.”
Craft a logo for Brass Junkie to be used on print materials and T-Shirts.
To create a logo that accurately represents the personalities and tastes of the members of Brass Junkie.