Renderseed Labs

Single-Parent Household Infographic


Role: Informational


Client: Prosper Young Child

Typeface: Arial Bold



Purpose: The Prosper Young Child Corporation was formed to assist single parents who don’t qualify for state-level assistance, even those who fall slightly above a state’s income requirements. Their targeted audience is single parents who are left to take care of their family, despite the uncertainty of doing it alone.

Single-Parent Household Statistics

Prosper Young Child supports single-parent households who need financial and moral support. They needed an infographic designed that displays the statistics of the number of single-parent homes in the United States, compared to other countries around the world. The statistics were displayed in a graph, showing the percentage ranges of 13 other countries; excluding the US. 


Almost 25% of US children live in single-parent homes, which is more than any other country in the world.

Secondary Message:

Single-parent households include one adult and at least one biological step or foster child under 18. 


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